Our life’s work is to support good people making a difference. As a woman-owned agency, we’re passionate about supporting women who put themselves out there to make the world a better place. This month, Earth Month, we’re featuring two Rooted Women, where we get up close and personal with women you should know. Our goal is to inspire you, not just by how impressive these women are, but by how human they are, and what they do to achieve extraordinary things.
With that, we’re delighted to introduce you to Silencia Cox.

Silencia Cox is the inspiration for, and now CEO of Motherlove Herbal Company, a family business that began in a Colorado Rockies meadow and has now grown into an international leading manufacturer of organic herbal products for pregnancy, birth, and breastfeeding. Motherlove was started by Silencia’s mother, Kathryn Higgins, an herbalist, when she began incorporating wild plants into her daily life for food and medicine while pregnant with Silencia.
Now, over 30 years later, Motherlove products continue to be made in Fort Collins, Colo., and can be found in specialty retailers and natural food stores in over 20 countries. The scope of the operation has increased dramatically, but Silencia continues their dedication to producing all-natural products sustainably.
Silencia has worked for Motherlove in some capacity for as long as she can remember. She grew up helping her mother pick herbs in the area surrounding their mountain home in Northern Colorado’s Rist Canyon. After graduating from Colorado State University, she returned to working full-time at Motherlove, traveling around the country teaching people about the products, the healing properties of herbs, and working to inspire others by being a good steward of the earth.
When she isn’t at work, Silencia can often be found out and about in the mountains, or exploring other countries.

Q: Promoting health (healthy people, healthy planet) is one of your passions. What is your favorite healthy go-to meal (or meals) during a busy day?
A: I often have lots of greens and veggies to quickly throw together a salad. I like to add some left-over protein from the night before to make it super quick and filling.
Q: At the other end of the spectrum, what’s one of your favorite splurges/guilty pleasures?
A: Wine, definitely wine.
Q: We all know too well that women are still trying to do it all – succeed at work, look after their families, run a household, be a good friend and member of the community. What do you like to do to unwind after a hectic day/week?
A: Again, wine. But I also love a hot bath.

Q: How do you get motivated to go out there and kick ass every day, even when things feel overwhelming?
A: I find that meditation and breathing exercises help keep me calm and present when I have too much on my plate. The more hectic my life is, the more important it is to set aside that time to be quiet and look inward.
Q: What are your plans for Motherlove this year?
A: We are extremely excited to have just completed a rebrand, and to be finally sharing it with the world. We think that it will help our products stand out on the shelf, and help moms discover which product is the right one for them even more easily. Helping deliver more organic herbal product to more people – what could be better?

Q: What’s an organization(s) or company(ies) you’d like others to know about and why?
A: There are so many companies doing amazing work. I truly respect organizations that are addressing serious issues such as climate change and environmental health. I have long been a huge fan of Patagonia for always staying aligned with their values and delivering high quality products. Their focus and commitment are admirable.
See all of our Rooted Women by clicking on the “Spotlight” search button on this page.